Design of a multipurpose rowing boat for beginners

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Volans Rowing wants an entry-level rowing boat for beginners that could complete the company portfolio. Thus, FISA and Volans are set as the main stakeholders and established the goal of design a multipurpose rowing boat, , for all type of users, men and women, from 14 years old till adults, which a retail price of € 1000. The project starts with a research about rowing field, naval architecture, in order to get a knowledge background. Later, a market research about entry level boats and recreational rowing products is performed. In parallel, manufacturing processes and materials used in similar products like kayaks are studied looking for cheaper alternatives to build the boat. It was concluded that rotomolded polyethylene is the best option to build the boat hull, mainly because of its low cost and its properties, that fit with the beginners learning curve. In the case of the sliding rigger, aluminum and stainless steel are considered as the most suitable materials. To sum up, a list of requirements is elaborated with all the key points to consider in the design. Several concepts for the boat hull and sliding rigger are proposed. The concepts are evaluated by comparing their performance according with the FISA expectations. The hull concept looks for a great stability and maneuverability that could support the inexperienced rower during the learning as well as leverage their confidence to take risks in the learning curve. The rigger chosen aims for a reduction of parts to make it cheaper to produce by using aluminum plates folded as well as the use of standard components that can be easy to repair or replace. The hull is modeled using Rhinoceros, the required cockpit dimensions are used as starting point to design the whole boat. On the other hand, the sliding rigger assembly is modeled using SolidWorks. The dimensions of the whole system are influenced for the cockpit size and the optimal rower position. The designs created are evaluated to check the requirements fulfillment. In the case of the hull, it is compared with the current boats at the Volans portfolio in terms of hydrostatic performance using MaxSurf. The results shows the Volans FISA hull is stable and maneuverable than other Volans boats, having a lower but decent speed and sacrificing course stability to increase the turning abilities. The hull has a multi-section shell composed by different sections to obtain stability and maneuverability that goes from a V sharp at the bow to a flat section at the stern. Besides of that, an integrated skeg is included to provide initial stability. The deck has reminiscences from previous Volans designs and rounded shapes to facilitate rotomolding. In the case of the sliding rigger, static simulations are run in Solidworks submitting the design proposed to the peak stresses exerted during rowing. Theoretically, the structure of folded aluminum designed can withstand the loads applied. However, it is recommended to go deeper in its design and put more engineering research on it, taking this proposal as a starting point. Moreover, a cost estimation is performed. Standard components and raw material suppliers, cost simulation software for parts manufacturing, machining and labor costs are consulted. The results obtained in the estimation are positive, reserving an adequate benefit margin. The rowing boat components evaluation is done at a theoretical level. Nonetheless, more simulations and real life testing will locate areas of improvement for further steps. Specially the rigger, which due to its complexity, it will need more engineering to refine it. Finally, another suggestions for further research are the comparison with competitors entry-level boats and the elaboration of a business plan for the introduction of this new product in market.


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