A Case Study Documenting Monitoring and Modelling Techniques used at Bournemouth, UK

A Local-Specific Approach to Coastal Monitoring

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Predictions of the state of the future coastline as a reaction to the changes in climate have lead to revisions in the future coast protection policies necessary to protect the Bournemouth coastline. In optimising the most economic solutions for the future coast protection of the coastline, alternative defences have been examined and costed, together with an assessment of the level of benefits if such defences were to be implementd(www.bournemouth.gov.uk/Residents/Environment/Coastal_Management.asp, 2005). A vital part of any coastal defence scheme is accurate monitoring data that allows for an understanding of current and past patterns in coastal evolution. This information is essential to inform shoreline management planning and design conditions for operational flood and coastal defence strategies. Long-term local coastal monitoring programmes as operated by Bournemouth Borough Council, have demonstrated considerable cost-savings, allowing greater confidence in efficient design of coastal works.