Investigating the impact of process parameters on aeration of MSW via a mechanistic biogeochemical reaction model

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The aim of our study is to investigate previously mentioned aspects with scenario analyses via a mechanistic biogeochemical reaction network model that contains the emission controlling reactions. In order to find such a network, we apply the gray modeling toolbox developed by van Turnhout et al. (2015) on a measured dataset used in the study of Brandstätter et al. (2015). This dataset contains time series of cumulative production of CO2, partial pressure of CO2 and O2, pH, NH+4 , SO4?2 , Cl? and NO?3 measured during aeration of columns filled with MSW. The toolbox allows to find a reaction network that optimally describes this dataset based on a set of quantitative selection criteria. Consequently, the found reaction network and investigated scenario’s will be validated in lysimeter scale. In this conference proceeding, we present preliminary results about the biogeochemical reaction network that optimally describes the measured data.
