Modeling Fluvial Reservoir Architecture using Flumy Process

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Modeling sedimentary heterogeneities of reservoir rocks is typically performed using geostatistical methods. Geostatistics reproduce the spatial distribution of heterogeneities based on available data. There are several geostatistical methods to build 3D reservoir model simulations, such as the object-based or variogram-based methods. MINES ParisTech has developed a new generation of models, both stochastic and process-based to reproduce the complex internal architecture of fluvial and turbidite reservoirs. The prototype software including this new approach is called Flumy. This process-based stochastic model simulates meandering channelized reservoirs at the reservoir scale. The purpose of this study is to build a realistic 3D geological model of complex fluvial reservoir architectures using the latest version of the processing modeling software Flumy. The project consists of using the current stand alone version to model a fluvial facies architecture of a subsurface data set from a Carboniferous fluvial succession located in the Southern North Sea. A series of 3D facies models based on the sedimentological interpretation of logs and modeling parameters were thus realised. Facies models were then exported to Petrel for quantitative analysis (e.g. sensitivity analysis and volume calculations). The process-based stochastic approach allows to obtain more realistic and reliable geological models. It respects the complexity of sedimentary processes and thus represents with more accuracy the lateral and vertical heterogeneities of fluvial reservoirs. The prototype software, Flumy, satisfies these requirements. However it is still under development and has limits and constraints which are described in this project.