Socio-economic study Ysad Sandskog (Sweden)

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Sandskogen is an important part of the city of Ystad. Over the last 100 years the coastline has moved about 50 meters inland. The coastline of Sandskogen consists of sandy beaches and the area directly above the shore is well visited for different kind of recreation activities. It is vital for Ystad that the erosion of the coast does not continue. Large areas at Ystad sandskog are currently protected from erosion and possible flooding at high water levels by an existing seawall with promenade that needs constant maintenance. If the existing wall and other protective measures are not maintained and upgraded the weather situations will lead to flooding of the protected area and progressive erosion will lead to loss of large beach areas. Considering the predicted sea level rise over the next 100 years, due to global varming, protection of the shoreline and land areas close to the sea is becoming more acute. A brief Social Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the area has been conducted. It has been conducted with scarce resources and is therefore only accurate as to give indications. The CBA indicates that the benefits of maintaining and protecting the present shoreline is 3 times larger than the cost. Of the investigated alternatives, beach nourishment is the best option. However, there should be additional technical and economical evaluation before final strategy is decided.