Improving the gas station experience

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A visit to a gas station is currently often chaotic and full of annoyances and anxiety. The customer at the pump in front of you is taking forever getting a coffee inside the shop, all pumps on the right side of your car are taken or your hands are getting greasy because there are no more plastic gloves in the dispenser. These are just a few examples of issues gas station visitors have to deal with during their visit. Refueling is not really anyone’s hobby, but it should at least be a smooth, easy, fast and relaxed interaction, right? Based on an elaborate onsite and online research to the current user experience at Dutch Shell gas stations, a new design was developed. In this design many issues that were found in the current experience research were dealt with. No more anxiety trying to maneuver in-between trucks, trying to find out where to go, trying to find an available spot at the pumps, searching for a pump on the right side of your car, having picked the wrong queue at the pumps or not being able to find a parking spot close to the shop. The new gas station design introduced in this project creates a more smooth, clear and relaxed gas station experience: guiding the customer to the right pump, but also guiding him/her during refueling, during payment and during parking.


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