International Riprap workshop, theory, policy and practice of erosion control using riprap, armour stone and rubble

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J. Aguirre-Pe, R. Fuentes - Stability and weak motion of riprap at a channel bed A.F. Ahmed, F. EI-Gamal, M.M. Gasser - Deterministic and probabilistic design approaches of riprap as bank protection J.P. Ahrens - Design considerations for dynamic revetments G.J. Akkerman, E. Berendsen - Experimental validation of stability criteria for the design of rockfil/ closure dams N.W.H. Allsop - Stability of rock armour and riprap on coastal structures K.J. Bakker, M.B. de Groot, H.J. Verheij - A simple design relation for geometrie open filters in bed protections F.B.J. Barends - Geotechnical stability of riprap structures N.G. Bhowmik - Evaluation and utilization of biotechnical techniques and wil/ow posts for stabilizing eroding streambanks R.E.A.M. Boeters, F.C.M. van der Knaap, H.J. Verheij - Behaviour of armour layers of riprap bank protections along navigation channels K. Bruxvoort - Use of the 1991 Corps of Engineers riprap design procedure in mine reclamation F.W. Chamberlin, M.S. Meyers - A case study of the use of riprap in Rochester, Minnesota B.A. Christensen - Optimum design of riprap protected trapezoidal channels A.J. Combe, C.W. Solleau - Mississippi River - Gulf -Outlet, tests of riprap bank stabilization E.A. Dardeau Jr, K.J. KlIIgore Jr, A.C. Mlller - Using riprap to create or improve riverine habitat M.L. Dove - Standardized riprap gradations K.K. Duskaev - Principles of stone stability and the probability of stone break A. EI-Fiky, A. EI-Mongy, A.M. Talaat, M.M. Anwar - Wave energy dissipation by composite breakwater A.A. EI-Sayad, E.A. Abdel-Hafiez, A.M. Talaat - Effect of flow on riprap protected beds A. Franken, R.E. Jorissen, H.E. Klatter - Design ru/es for the use of riprap in closure works V.J. Galay, M. Zaki Abo EI Fotouh, M. EI Moattassem - Pilot project for bank proteetion along the river Nile D.H. Gray, R.D. Hryciw - Biotechnical stabilization of coastal landforms M.B. de Groot, J. Lindenberg - Pore pressures in riprap structures due to non-stationary loads M.B. de Groot, P. Meijers - Wave induced sliding of revetments D.J. Hagerty, A.C. Parola - Seepage effects in riprap armored embankments J. Haltiner - Environmentally sensitive approaches to river channel management F. Heezen - Risk analysis of a closure design: A case study J.E. Hite - Design, repair, and rehabilitatiqn of scour protection. Downstream from Inland. Navigation dam stilling basins J. van 't Hoft, M. Lindo, W.H. Tutuarima - Construction aspects of rock structures R.E. Jorissen, D.P. de Wilde, E. Berendsen - Design of the bed protection of the Rotterdam storm surge barrier G.J. Laan - Quality and quality control of stone for hydraulic structures R.J. Larson, G.A. Nicholson- Durability index for protection stone: A concept J.P. Latham, G.G. Gauss - The drop test for armourstone integrity