A Test Suite for Quantum Network Applications

Evaluation of the Distributed CNOT Application in its Ability to Benchmark Quantum Networks

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Benchmarks for quantum network systems currently are an underrepresented subject in the research field. This paper evaluates how informative a distributed CNOT gate application is, in recognizing errors in the total quantum system. The goal is to decide whether it should be included as a benchmark in a newly developed benchmark suite for quantum network systems. The application is simulated and its error rate on certain inputs is plotted against properties of the quantum network system. This way it is evaluated that the application is sensitive to certain parameters of the quantum link and quantum devices in the nodes. Additionally, a quantitative analysis on the results shows which inputs are most effective in reacting to errors in the total quantum system. That way it is possible to conclude that inputs in the x-basis are sensitive to the most parameters and that combining these results with the inputs |10⟩ or |11⟩ yields an optimal result. It can be included in a benchmark suite if it is sensitive to parameters to which non of the other applications in the suite are sensitive.