BSC-project USAR

Search and rescue Awareness and Information Tool (SAInT)

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The Search and rescue Awareness Information Tool (SAInT) project is part of a larger project called "Collaboration at a Distance", a joint effort between the Delft University of Technology and TNO Defence, Security and Safety. The goal of this project is to identify and create tools to improve the communication over distances for the organisation, a special rescue team that will be dispatched to disaster areas. The system has been designed using the Situated Cognitive Engineering (sCE) method, consisting of three different phases. In the first phase a domain and support analysis has been done, to identify operational demands, human factor issues and technological possibilities. The second phase consists of identification of the SAInT requirements of our system. In the third phase a prototype has been developed, consisting of three different tools. This is an iterative process where requirements are specified and prototypes are made and reviewed. Based on these reviews, the requirements are refined. We have developed three different tools. One of these tools is an iPhone application, which will be used by the commander of a search and rescue team. This application will allow him or her to enter and view information about victims and dangerous areas on a map. Detailed information such as text and photos can also be added to these victims and dangers. Another tool has been created on the iPad, which is use by the operational commander and a technical worker of the support group. The commander is provided with the information entered on the iPhone, as well as statistics of each search and rescue team. The technical worker has access to detailed information about equipment. Each piece of equipment can be uniquely identified by its RFID-tag. The third developed tool, an RFID-application, uses these RFID-tags. This tool can be used to check items in and out of the base camp. This can be seen on the iPad, to track the movement of equipment during a mission. The created systems could still be improved by adding more functionality focused on communication between different members of the organisation, such as a message system, or adding new options for equipment management. This will decrease the dependence on older methods or less optimal systems.