Navigation Locks

International Courses in Hydraulic Engineering at IHE, Course year 1964-1965

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Ir. Josephus Jitta was between 1920 and 1958 the main designer for navigation locks in the Netherlands. He has basically designed all locks in that period, a.o. the large lock in IJmuiden. After his retirement he provided the courses in Navigation Lock Design at the International Courses (IHE) in Delft, at that moment housed in the same building where he has followed his lectures in civil engineering in the period from 1910-1918. He wrote a standard textbook on locks, which is unfortunately only available in Dutch. Also most of his other publications were in Dutch. An exception is his presentation for the PIANC conference in 1935 in Brussels, where he presented his paper “Recent examples of foundation of works such as quay-walls and lock-walls resting on poor subsoil; effects of the ground water and of its fluctuations in level.” This paper is digitally available from the TU Delft repository. For his lectures at the International Courses he had made English translations of a number of the drawings from his book. These were used as handouts. In de legacy of Ir. Josephus Jitta a number of these handouts were found. This pdf contains a scan of these handouts.