Re(generate) Locally

Enhance the livability of deprived neighborhood by establishing better spatial network to accommodate local economy and everyday life

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This project aims to take the Xipailou neighborhood- a deprived mixed-use neighborhood in the city center as the primary case for studying regeneration, try to formulate a more comprehensive regeneration approach that improves the livability. The process is different from the current top-down regeneration approach in China. Based on the fieldwork analysis and spatial analysis, this thesis highlights the importance of the relationship between neighborhood economy and livability. What's more, It's worth noting that the localized culture and lifestyle will have an impact on the way people use public space, in that case, the locally-appropriate spatial elements which are learned from the site can be used to help a new development fit into an existing area and reinforce a sense of place. The main research question is "How to improve the livability, through enhancing the public space network and adapting the local neighborhood economy in the deprived center-city mixed-use neighborhood?". By using design as a tool to understand the problem and potential of the site, a more comprehensive design-oriented strategy can be formulated.