A method for satellite launch vehicle performance analysis with application to black brant vb sounding rocket motor booster configurations

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A general method for performance analysis of satellite launching vehicles bas been developed. The method is based on the establishment of certain mission velocity requirements and assumptions of realistic IOBses due to gravity and aerooynamic drag. Any detailed trajeetory calculations are therefore circumvented. The method is tested against data published for the Scout launch vehicle and good. agreement is obtained. Several Black Brant VB booster configurations, three- and four- stage vehicles, are then analysed with regard to low orbit capability. The most promising of the analysed vehicles is a four-stage vehicle called 221.X. With a soUd propellant last stage, this vehicle is slightly more efficient than Scout and, wUh the prospects of a high energy propellant last stage (Uquid hydrogen-oxygen) being developed, offers a promising potential. Tbe payload capabilUy is 100 lb. in a 100 nautical mile orbit with the solid propellant last stage, which can be increased to about 340 lb. payload with a 1500-1b. liquid hydrogen-oxygen propellant last stage.


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