Sorting of construction and demolition waste by hyperspectral-imaging

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A basic step to achieve a holistic recycling process for Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) is a relevant improvement in (automatic) sorting technologies. Hyperspectral- Imaging (HSI) is an outstanding candidate to support the process. Currently the biggest challenges with regard to C&DW detection cover the need of overlapping VIS, NIR and SWIR hyperspectral images in time and space, in particular for selectively recognition of contaminated particles. In the study on hand a new approach for HSI is described by exploiting VIS-NIR-SWIR spectral information in real time (350 Hz full frame rates). The contribution focuses on a development path for an industrial implementation in automatic sorting and separation lines for C&DW recycling. The main target is on the on-line detection and sorting of gypsum and stony items with organic contamination to close the recycling loops of gypsum (plaster to plaster), concrete (concrete to concrete) and ceramic materials (brick/ceramics to brick/ceramics) because of their exceptional potential for increasing sustainability by conserving construction resources.