Production Biospheres

A new production space in Hembrug

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The project named production biospheres created a process design aimed on the adaptive reuse of the Plots In The Woods site on the Hembrug terrain near Zaandam. The landscape and urban design for the site is based on methods used by landscape architects and ecologists based on the three terms cultivate, stage and set up, not just creating. The process design is adding to redevelopment activities already done on site. A small cultural program and a used (wood) building material warehouse and workshop are added reacting no the existing program, mainly being creative businesses, like contractors, artists, designers and other makers. The specific building design concepts are based on the concepts and themes discussed in the Venice Biennale catalogue for the German pavillion in 2012 titled: Reduce, Reuse Recycle. These approaches are applied in the different phases the buildings and spatial elements are in based on the cultural values assigned and researched during the P1 phase. This gradution project under the department of Heritage & Architecture results in a process design for part of the Hembrug area which is still in a fragile state of development.