Condition Rating Procedures for Earth and Rockfill Embankment Dams

REMR Management Systems-Flood Control Structures

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As a technical report, this document is intended to be a summary of research results. The results include a product that can be used by Districts and others outside the Corps. Current Corps guidance on the use of CIs includes no references to embankment dams or floodcontrol projects. At this time, therefore, each decision maker must individually determine if and how the Embankment Dam Cl can assist in the management and safety of their embankment dams. Training workshops have been held in four districts with good to excellent results. Hydro Québec is implementing this Cl for all their embankment dams. These activities indicate a previously unmet need that this tooI helps to address. As with any research product, it mayor may not adequately meet user needs in either the short or long term. Additionally, other tools and procedures developed in the future may prove preferable.