An analysis of the potential locations for Modular Mobile Terminals

Case study for the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp

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Long waiting times in ports for inland vessels to load and unload containers are a serious problem. The European project NOVIMOVE researches the inefficiencies and suggests solutions. One of the solutions for reducing waiting times in ports is the placement of Modular Mobile Terminals (MMTs). The focus of the research will be on the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. In this research assignment, three questions are addressed. The first question is: What are the criteria that a potential location must meet to be able to place one or more MMTs? The second question is: Which potential locations for the placement of MMTs in the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp provide the highest time savings compared to the situation without MMTs? The last question is: What are the most suitable locations for MMTs based on the combination of the pre-defined criteria and the expected time savings? In order to be able to give answers to these questions, qualitative research will first be carried out on the basis of predefined criteria. Then, a quantitative research is done with a static time-saving model. The results of both the qualitative and quantitative research indicate that for the port of Rotterdam location 1 is the most suitable for the placement of MMTs. For the port of Antwerp, location 1 and location 2B are identified as the most suitable. Based on this investigation, a conclusion can only be drawn based on the qualitative and quantitative results. Follow-up research will be necessary to determine if there are changes when a dynamic time saving model is used. Follow-up research is also needed to include the economic aspects in the determination of the most suitable locations.