To lease, or not to lease? A critical evaluation of Product-Service-System building components in rental housing

How Product-Service-System building components offer value to organizations specializing in the development and management of rental housing.

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This research explores the value offered by Product-Service-Systems (PSSs), also known as Product-as-a-Service (PaaS), to organizations that develop, own and operate rental housing portfolios. The Dutch national government’s ambition for a circular economy by 2050, combined with the demand for over 1 million sustainable new homes in the coming decades, provides grounds for increased PSS implementation in the housing sector. PSSs are touted as a critical tool to decouple environmentally harmful resource extraction from continued economic growth. However, for them to be implemented at scale, they must demonstrate clear value to decision makers who consider procuring them. As such, the value of PSSs in rental housing is theoretically explored and empirically studied through case studies to understand what drives housing providers to use PSSs within their developments and portfolios. The research reveals additional advantages perceived by housing providers, how housing providers analyze the use of a PSS, what challenges they encounter, and a preliminary review of how circular the studied cases inherently are. Five expert interviews are used to corroborate the findings from the case studies. Lastly, a financial simulation is conducted to understand the tax implications of using leased PSSs with zero-upfront investment.