Exploration of social customer relationship management in banking industry

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The graduation project is under supervision of TU Delft and ABN AMRO N.V. with the objective to strengthen and further develop an exclusive online community for the Next Generation clients of ABN AMRO. The Next Generation clients are the children of ABN AMRO’s top segment clients whose investable assets are more than EUR 25 million. The key issue to deal with in this graduation project is to find solutions, plan strategies to ‘offer the Next Generation clients a platform to talk, meet, share, participate and engage with each other and ABN AMRO. ABN AMRO wants to learn from the platform, in which ideas can be tested, feedback generated and the Next Generation's mind sets and needs explored’. Starting from this objective, current customer relationship management (CRM) and social customer relationship management (SCRM) literatures are studied. Based on the theoretical findings, an integrated SCRM model is proposed to identify the current situation, support concept generation, and evaluate implementation outcomes. Concepts in aspects of customer relationship management, product, service and employee are generated, tested, and evaluated according to the proposed model. Positive feedback and evaluation results prove the success of the project concepts. The concepts are then refined and further explored in the end of the report to draw conclusion and give recommendations for future studies.


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