Interoperability issues related to LADM profiled implementations

A first exploration

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In case of need for exchanging data or information between registries and cadasters and other organizations interoperability is an issue. This requires a common understanding expressed in semantics, vocabularies and ontologies. The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) within the Resource Description Framework (RDF) using Web Ontology Language (OWL) provides a foundation here. As the LADM standard suggests a first step in its implementation is the development of a country profile - where national legislation and regulations are expressed. In practice we see a profile level, semantic level, data level, format level and a communication level. Interoperability can apply within the same level and between levels. There are two mainstream international standards defining interoperability: (i) CEN/ISO 11354 (data, services, process, business) and (ii) the European Interoperability Framework (technical, semantic, organizational, legal). This paper discusses those standards in relation to a smooth implementation of a LADM local profile. Land administration methodologies, approaches and tools develop rapidly, supported by private companies, modern technologies, and new information and communication possibilities. Further steps are needed to operationalize those methods and tools at scale (Enemark et al., 2016). Innovative thinking coupled with quickly maturing, scalable approaches is needed in many countries in order to create full coverage in land administration. (Lemmen, et al., 2019) There is a challenge for countries on how to implement the LADM. There is a need for good practices, processes, implementation guides, and shared expertise from earlier implementations (OGC, 2019c). This paper explores interoperability issues in the context of LADM country profile implementations. This is a very first step to the development of a PhD proposal for the development, implementation and testing of use cases that prove and adjust interoperability in land administration. This ranges from the link between databases under responsibility of cadastre and land registry organizations to integrated (spatial and legal/administrative) data acquisition in the field connected to databases under cadastre and land registry. Further there is attention to output services and integration with national key data sets.