REV’ENTUROUS! A strategy for an inspiring online platform

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REV’IT!, a Dutch company that creates motorcycle apparel. The challenge REV’IT! is facing is how to effectively communicate with their end users and enhance their brand equity. The preference of REV’IT! lies in an online solution that builts upon their value: Inspire to ride. Therefore, the assignment was formulated as follows: How can REV’IT! inspire people to ride - while building upon their brand values and qualities - via an online platform. Concluded from the analysis it became apparent that the touring and adventurous part of the community has the most to offer in terms of participation and the willingness to be part of a community. At the same time, travel experiences and stories really inspire people to go ride themselves. Hence, incorporating travel with the Dynamic platform will create a starting point for riders who want to get inspired or is looking for routes and locations to visit. From this thought, the platform REV’ENTUROUS! emerged. REV’ENTUROUS! is designed for motorcyclists who love to explore the world. Every trip is an adventure and worth sharing. Get inspired by stories of other riders, browse through routes from all over the world and plan your own trip to start your own story. The prototype can be seen here: Aside from the stories that are uploaded by the riders, there will also be articles about riding and adventure on a motorcycle. These will be made by both REV’IT! staff and knowledgeable community members with experience. The aim of these articles is to educate people on travelling with a motorcycle. Topics of the articles will variate; riding techniques, gear, areas or countries to ride in and articles with tips for riders or planning trips.


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