Design of a Climate Adaptive Façade System using Bamboo for Urban India

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Indoor climate and human comfort is attaining increasing interest in large urbanized areas. While for the user this is mainly as a result of increasing operational costs associated with the devices for heating and cooling, the bigger concern for environmentally conscious engineers and designers lies in reducing the emission of green house gases. Further, use of locally available eco-friendly materials are also gaining popularity as they have the potential to reduce the embodied energy to a great extent. In this master thesis project, a design concept for a dynamic façade system for urban India (mainly for the hot-humid climate zone) using bamboo has been developed. The design is based on promoting cooling by natural ventilation in combination with positioning the façade elements in such a way that reduces the impact of heat released due to thermal mass on the indoor climate. Thermal comfort has been assessed based on Adaptive Thermal Comfort models for the hot-humid climate zone. CFD tool of the software, DesignBuilder in combination with excel calculations were carried out to perform the necessary building physics calculations. Further, the environmental impact of the design has been evaluated by the Cradle2Cradle framework.