
A support to improve the physical comfort of interventional specialists during image guided interventions

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Recently, more research has focused to find occupational hazards in minimally invasive interventions, such as angioplasty, placing stents and the replacing of heart valves. A procedure is a minimally invasive intervention when the operating specialist uses a needle to insert a catheter into the patient’s body. X-ray based imaging techniques are used to provide imaging that help the physician to precisely visualize and locate the tissue to be treated. The visualization is enhanced by injecting contrast fluids in the patient whilst using x-rays. Interventional specialists are exposed to a lot of radiation during these long-lasting procedures hence they have to wear a heavy lead apron for protection. Both wearing the heavy lead apron and these long-lasting interventions may result in muscle fatigue in the legs and feet and ergonomic problems such as neck, back and knee complaints. This graduation project shows the development of X-eRgo: a solution for the physical problems interventional specialists face during these image-guided interventions. The solution improves the current work environment and reduces the physical problems that physicians are confronted with. Research (literature study, observations and interviews) was done to identify the specific problems and needs of the operators during these interventions. The results and insights of the research were used to define an appropriate design to diminish or prevent physical complaints. The design of X-eRgo supports and protects interventional specialists when they perform image-guided procedures in the cathlab. The physician is now able to work seated whilst being protected against scattered radiation below the Xper table. It fits the current cathlab workflow. X-eRgo consists of a high stool and a mobile lead protection with its lead protection drapes. The product is adjustable in height in order to ensure that it can be comfortably used by both taller and shorter physicians. Many actions can be performed easily, like the positioning of the C-arc(s), Xper table and the TSO modules, moving with the X-eRgo while seated, bending forward, rotating and controlling the x-ray buttons of the foot switch. A working model was made to test the product with actual users working in two different hospitals. The user test resulted in positive and helpful feedback leading to useful recommendations.


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