Energetic urban planning

A novel approach to carbon-neutral cities

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The City of Amsterdam has ambitious goals as to become climate neutral. This will only be possible through a structured approach to both new and existing neighbourhoods. Following steps from the New Stepped Strategy - as used in the Rotterdam Energy Approach and Planning (REAP) - and using the methodology of Energy Potential Mapping (EPM), the Amsterdam Guide to Energetic Urban Planning (in Dutch: Leidraad Energetische Stedenbouw, LES) must become the manual that will support urban area (re)development towards energy neutrality. The Guide clarifies the local Amsterdam energy potentials, both natural and anthropogenic, and gives an extensive overview of measures and data to be used for the sustainable provision of electricity, heat and cold. This is presented in a very tangible manner, practical to urban planners and architects, housing corporations and project developers, public institutions and politician. The Amsterdam Guide has been tested on two sites, one to be newly constructed and another to be redeveloped, and the incremental approach proved worthwhile, enabling energy neutrality in both cases. The Guide has incited discussions on both short-term actions and long-term visions needed to facilitate real climate neutrality in the city of Amsterdam. The paper will discuss the Amsterdam Guide, its methodology, the cases studied, as well as future perspectives and considerations.
