Afrondende studies geocontaineronderzoek (Final studies geocontainer research)

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Research on the behaviour of geocontainers and other geosystems has been performed in the framework of the WIS-project "Knowledge development Geo-sand elements" and the Delft Cluster project "Construction of large scale sand bodies". Model tests have been performed in several model facilities of WL½Delft Hydraulics and GeoDelft. Field measurements have been performed in and around geocontainers dumped into the Kandiadam. Existing theories have been verified and new ones haven been developed. The results of the main studies have been reported in other reports of this series: DC1-321-3,4,5,6 & 7. The results of 4 studies on special aspects, which appeared to be relevant during the reporting of the main studies, have been reported here. All results, including the ones reported here, have been summarised in report DC1-321-11. The special aspects include: The influence of obliqueness of a geocontainer at the moment it falls out of the splitbarge, on its horizontal displacement during the dumping process The influence of the specific mass of a geocontainer on its horizontal displacement during the dumping process The influence of the wave induced outward pressure head difference over the upper layer of geocontainers in the seaward slope of a heap of geocontainers on the sliding stability of the outer layer of geocontainers The process of falling out of the splitbarge during the opening of the splitbarge, as observed during the dumping of a geocontainer in the Kandiadam
