Havenmonding en zandtransport bij Parachique

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In this report the sediment transport at Parachique, Peru, is calculated. This has been done in two different ways. First the Bijker method has been applied. This has been done by taking the significant wave height as representative for the wave spectrum and by chosing an equivalent wave height as representative for the significant wave height distribution for every 100 sector of.wave direction. Then theories about spiral bays, Wind and Silvester, have been studied and the sediment transport at Parachique is computed by using methods based on spiral bay theories. Finely by confronting the results of the two methods it has been concluded that the sediment transport at Parachique shbuld be of 70.000 m3/jear. Parachique, a fishing port in the north of Peru, has the difficulty of a shallow and unstable port entrance. These difficulties are concentrated in the mouth of the tidal inlet wherein Parachique is situated. In the first part of this report the present situatian of the tidal inlet is qualified using methods of Escoffier and Per Bruun. Then a solution of the problem is studied in terms of civil constructions, trying to find a solution suitable for a place like Parachique. Finally an off-share breakwater, which in part of the chosen solution, is dimensioned. Deel I: 'Brandingstroom bij Parachique", uitgevoerd bij de vakgroep vloeistofmechanica, is niet beschikbaar.