Respect for autonomy and technological risks

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Technological developments can undermine the autonomy of the individual. Autonomy is one's ability to make and act upon decisions according to one's own moral framework. Respect for autonomy dictates that risks should not be imposed on the individual without her consent. Technological developments can bring about risks, which often confront the individual in ways beyond individual control. This research deals with the question: How should autonomy be respected in the context of technological risks? It is argued in this thesis that respect for autonomy requires amending current decision procedures on the acceptability of risks. These amendments should be based on a specific, original concept of autonomy; narrative autonomy. Narrative self-understanding forms the core of this concept of autonomy. Respect for narrative autonomy requires that anyone who is concerned about risks associated with a technological development, is allowed to influence the decision regarding the acceptability of those risks, provided that the arguments put forward are compatible with specific constraints. Why this is an important condition for decision procedures on risk and how this recommendation can be implemented is illustrated with case-studies on public debates concerning biotechnology, mobile phone technology and vaccination.