The Nieuwe Meer Arena

Pacification through Games

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The coming years will see automation and demographic shifts cause a dramatic change in the economics and society of the Netherlands. A Universal Basic Income will be unavoidable. This will result in a large segment of the population existing without a sense of competition to provide fulfilment in people’s life. The provision of arbitrary conflicts through games will be an important strategy to pacify the masses. This is a principal that can be seen throughout history, and is epitomised in Rome’s coloseum as a principal mediator for leisure for the masses and the casino’s of Las Vegas today. As Amsterdam continues to grow, and Schiphol and the Zuidas will further densify and intensify, the Nieuwe Meer and its surroundings, too will be used more intensively. Particularly the north shore of the lake will be developed heavily and feature a number of leisure and entertainment facilities. Here, thoroughly captivatingentertainment is made available to the masses through the hosting of spectacles showing primal, visceral, and real experiences. The inclusion of the spectator as a participant in the spectacle further contributes to the creation of arbitrary conflicts that provide fulfilment to people’s lives. Consequently, potential unrest is pacified and order is maintained, without any use of force, censorship, or the restriction of any freedoms imposed on society.