3D modelling for multipurpose cadastre

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Three-dimensional (3D) modelling of cadastral objects (such as legal spaces around buildings, around utility networks and other spaces) is one of the important aspects for a multipurpose cadastre (MPC). This paper describes the 3D modelling of the objects for MPC and its usage to the knowledge of 3D cadastre since more and more related agencies attempt to develop or embed 3D components into the MPC. We also intend to describe the initiative by Malaysian national mapping and cadastral agency (NMCA) in developing the 3D MPC. In this case, we strongly believe that 3D city modelling approach could be utilized for such purposes, e.g. linking the physical and legal spaces of buildings and other objects within the multipurpose cadastre as well as for developing the relevant database, thus, provide queries to the objects. Other relevant information and services also could be developed for other layers within MPC for different applications or services. Basically, the Malaysian MPC consists of large scale spatial data layers grouped into two types of sub systems. The first group consists of components with spatial objects to which legal and administrative facts are attached (rights, restrictions and responsibilities), such as 3D cadastre (volume parcels), 3D marine cadastre, and 3D strata (in buildings). The second group consists of components with reference to physical spatial objects, such as: 3D topography (with buildings footprints), underground utility (3D), and 3D city model (with roof structure and LoD3 buildings) where each of these components will be elaborated and discussed in this paper. As one of the components for the proposed Malaysian MPC, 3D models of cadastral objects are needed to support the existing cadastre system by providing spatial and semantic information of the 3D objects according to the exact situation as in the real world. The representation of the real world objects in 3D form will enable the concerned parties to understand the situation and problems related to the particular land site as well as increasing the efficiency in managing land-related matters. The concept for 3D volume parcels for 3D cadaster and 3D modelling with underground utility networks is presented. This paper relates the Malaysian MPC model with the LADM (Land Administration Domain Model) where the generation of the UML model that complies with the concept of LADM for the Malaysian MPC is addressed. We anticipate that the proposed approach for the MPC could be implemented by the authority in the near future. Outlook for future works and the emerging 3D modelling technologies for the MPC then form a part of conclusions of this paper.
