Inter-source seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution (MDD) for borehole sources

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Seismic interferometry (SI) is usually implemented by crosscorrelation (CC) to retrieve the impulse response between pairs of receiver positions. An alternative approach by multidimensional deconvolution (MDD) has been developed and shown in various studies the potential to suppress artifacts due to irregular source distribution and intrinsic loss. Following previous theories on SI by MDD, we extend it to retrieve the impulse response between pairs of source positions by invoking source and receiver reciprocity. We verify the theory using a simple two-layered model and show that the retrieved response by MDD is more accurate than that by CC, and furthermore, it is free of free-surface multiples. We discuss the necessary pre-processing required for this method. This inter-source SI approach creates a virtual acquisition geometry with both borehole sources and receivers without the need to deploy receivers in the borehole, which might be of interest to applications such as seismic while drilling (SWD).
