Aging in Place,Non-zero Sum Game

Improves life quality and living conditions for aged people who “Aging in Place”, through the renewal and reconstruction of public spaces system in diverse scales

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The density of elderly population in Central City of Beijing is relatively high compare to that in peri urban area, which resulting in the urban disease, scarcity and low quality of public spaces in the city center. However, in Beijing, the main demands of elderly people have incline to the social needs and social participation, instead of merely sacrificing their later years to families, besides, as vital carrier of “Spiritual supply”, public spaces are significant for the elderly for promoting social interactions and increasing opportunities for social participation. However, planning and designing of public spaces are more focalized on the physical and safety needs of the elderly at present, social needs are not frequently addressed during the design of public space. The aim of this paper is to explore and identify the corresponding indicators and criteria of the social aspects of planning and designing public spaces for the elderly people. Comparative case study, literature review, mapping analysis were used. The project consists of three sections: Firstly, considering from the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, elderly people “Spiritual” demands (including belongingness and love needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs as a whole), and their main carry out public space were analyzed. Secondly, some indicators and criteria for public spaces design corresponding social needs aspects of elderly people are concluded from literature, best practices at the level of urban design (they are: Access & Linkage; Physical Setting; Uses & Activities; Sociability & Connotation); Finally, some key indicators are addressed, as well as strategies and policy proposal are developed considering the special context of my study area in the Central City of Beijing.