Low cost spillway surfaces for farm dams

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With the aid of a grant from the Water Research Foundation of Australia, the Water Research Laboratory has undertaken an investigation into surface treatments for small farm dams Vegetal cover with natural gr asses and low cost soil and bitumen admixtures are under study. As a preliminary to laboratory and field testing, a survey of available information was made. The results of the survey are contained in this report. The experimental work, which is still in progress, has been divided into two phases. First tests have been made on the reaction of numerous grasses, admixtures and surface treatments when subjected to water flow in a flume. Secondly, tests are being conducted on a spillway of field dimensions for a selection of the more promising of the flume-tested materials. The research programme has been under the direction of various academic staff members from time to time Mr B. A. Cornish has been in charge of detailed experimental work.
