Between state and market

Non-profit housing organisations in three national contexts

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This paper presents the results of an international collaborative study5 of non-profit housing involving researchers6 in three countries using a common methodology to engage the leaders of non-profit organisations themselves in the research process. The paper draws on earlier work on the hybridisation of social housing provision and the competing logics of state, market and third sector. It explores the hypothesis that despite the rhetoric of independence from government and the discourse of social enterprise, the relationship with the state has been one of the key influences on scope for action and hybridity in each country studied. It uses a modified Delphi methodology to collect information from leaders of non-profit housing organisations in three countries about how their organisations are negotiating these hybrid influences on their strategy and operations. This method involves collation of responses to scaled surveys from panels of 20-31 organisations in each country, playing back the results to the participants and follow up depth interviews with samples of respondents to explore and interpret the meanings of their responses7. The paper is intended to elicit comments on the approach by displaying preliminary findings in relation to state influences on hybridity; reflecting on methodology and drawing out some tentative conclusions in relation to the paper’s hypothesis. Contrary to Koppell’s (2001) warning in another domain of housing hybrids, it appears that state influence and control over social housing hybrids remains a key influence on their scope and action.
