Conventional and Pulse Cathodic Protection of Reinforced Concrete

Electrochemical Approach and Microstructural Investigations

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An improved cathodic protection (CP), based on pulse regime was investigated in reinforced concrete, compared to conventional CP. Both regimes used CP current in the range of 2 to15 mA/m2. A voltage-to-current converter maintained the pulse current, the latter adjusted with duty cycle of 12% to 50 % and frequency of 500 Hz to 1 kHz. The efficiency of the improved CP was evaluated by means of electrochemical methods and microstructural investigation of the bulk concrete matrix, the steel/paste interface and the steel surface. The combination of techniques provides a detailed understanding of the electrochemical phenomena associated with corrosion and protection processes. The pulse CP achieves sufficient protection of the steel reinforcement and is less detrimental to the bulk concrete matrix. In this sense, pulse CP is able to minimize the negative side effects and to ensure better performance and protection in reinforced concrete.
