Legal Independence, Modularity and Implementation of LADM using INTERLIS – Case Study of the Colombian ISO 19152 Profile

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The new Multipurpose Cadaster of Colombia defines, as a standard to achieve data interoperability, the ISO 19152 (LADM). The Project “Modernization of Land Administration in Colombia”, funded by the Swiss Economic Cooperation (SECO), has supported the governing bodies in developing a Colombian profile of the norm (LADM-COL). This profile follows a modular approach which means that it consists of several thematic data models that extend a core LADM data model, meeting the requirement of the principle of Legal Independence established for the new National Multipurpose Cadaster. For the technological implementation of the LADM, the Project suggested to apply the conceptual description language INTERLIS, for which a complete tool chain is available. The Project’s development team contributed to the evolution and completion of these tools, and integrated them in a web-based system, which allows massive validation, storage, visualization and downloading of data according to the defined LADM-COL models.