A quick-scan appraisal method to determine cost-effectiveness of Traffic and Demand Management measures

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This paper presents this quick-scan approach for assessing the cost-effectiveness of smaller and not-well demarcated transport measures that can be used as a first-scan while establishing packages to deal with certain transport problems. It adds to the available evaluation literature (see section 2) in relying on a combination of expert opinions as well as simple models rather than data intensive four-stage transport models. The approach consists of five steps, in the end yielding to an assessment of the cost-effectiveness of the considered measure. We illustrate the approach by applying it to determine the cost-effectiveness of a pricing measure, showing both the workings of the approach and the plausibility of the results. We conclude that the proposed method is applicable for providing a first, quick scan assessment. This assessment is useful in the first selection of planning, to support policy makers that need to choose in which (selection of) measures they need to invest, even if these measures have not yet been described or designed at a very detailed level.
