Characterisation of frictional behaviour at brick-mortar interface

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Unreinforced Masonry, a popular construction material with a rich historical legacy, has been resilient through centuries, despite its susceptibility to failure through various loading conditions such as seismic forces. Understanding the mechanical behaviour of masonry, particularly the cohesion and frictional mechanisms at interfaces between bricks and mortar, is crucial for assessing its structural reliability.
This thesis presents an experimental study characterising masonry frictional interfaces using a tribometer test, a novel approach in masonry research. The study aims to investigate the frictional behaviour of brick-mortar interfaces under varying precompression levels and test frequencies (3 Hz and 0.2 Hz). A novel sampling method was implemented, wherein the required specimens were extracted from a bonded masonry couplet specimen. The couplets were bond wrenched and then subjected to a mechanical extraction. Bond wrenching, through tension, separates the couplets, thereby isolating frictional response from the influence of cohesion by decoupling cohesion between the unit and joint. A tribometer was chosen for the investigation of frictional parameters, tribometers are typically employed with metal surfaces and rarely applied to masonry. Consequently, experiments were conducted using a reciprocating tribometer, featuring a novel specimen extraction procedure and a modified setup. The novel extraction involved mechanically altering a parent brick couplet to extract compatible specimens. Customised holders were procured and used to accommodate the prepared specimen. The obtained specimens were then, fastened into the appropriate sample holders. Tests were performed on the specimen with displacement, tangential force, normal force and time being recorded. Three key parameters, the mean Coefficient of Friction (CoF), the Energy Coefficient of Friction (ECoF), and tangential contact stiffness were analysed from the collected data. The above mentioned parameters were evaluated through two approaches, (i) Mean Curve approach and (ii) Cycle approach. A mean curve is the averaged curve of the measured hysteresis loop, which encompasses the overall behaviour exhibited by the hysteresis loop.
The experimental results revealed a dependency between the coefficient of friction and the applied pre-compression level, showing a non-Coulomb behaviour; this is in contradiction with assumptions of several models used for the analyses of masonry structures. Initially, experiments were conducted at a higher frequency (3 Hz) and followed by experiments at a lower frequency (0.2 Hz), and the results in both cases revealed a non-Coulomb friction behaviour characterised by a nonlinear connecting trend between kinetic and static friction region. The connecting trend between the kinetic and static region demonstrated a reduction in the degree of non-linearityan enhanced symmetry in the hysteresis profile as the precompression levels increased. The mean curve and the cycle approach yielded identical estimates for the coefficients of friction (CoF) and effective coefficients of friction (ECoF).
The evolution of Coefficient of friction (CoF), did not exhibit any clear systematic time dependency, while Energy Coefficient of friction (ECoF) showed a systematic decrease over time. The ECoF related the energy dissipated by friction across each cycle to a hypothetical Coulomb energy dissipation. Therefore the ECoF captures the energy dissipation due to friction during one cycle, while the CoF captured the static friction region. The energy dissipation across different precompression levels were also studied and it was observed that the energy dissipation increased for increasing precompression levels.
Tangential Contact stiffness refers to the tangential force required to effect a unit displacement in the tangential direction. The contact stiffness was calculated from the slope of the region of the hysteresis loop associated with displacement reversal. Contact stiffness was observed to increase with increasing precompression levels. This observation was also validated by the theoretical model which illustrates a proportionality between the applied normal load (precompression) and tangential contact stiffness.
Additionally, the study highlights the impact of frequency on the observed frictional behaviour, noting more prominent static and kinematic components at lower frequencies due to reduced inertial forces. A preliminary study using the LuGre model was used to plot the analytically derived frictional force-velocity relationship, to briefly study the impact of sliding velocity on frictional force. It was deduced that the velocity had an influence over the frictional force at the interface.
In conclusion, the findings provide valuable insights into the frictional characteristics of masonry interfaces under varying loading conditions. The results also shed light on the practical aspects of testing methods and offer considerations for further research in the field of masonry engineering.


MSc_Thesis_Karthick_Sasikumar_... (pdf)

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