EBB-tidal delta morphology in response to a storm surge barrier

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The ebb-tidal delta of the Eastern Scheldt tidal inlet has been under the influence of a storm surge barrier for the past 25 years. This barrier caused a strong decrease in average tidal currents through the inlet. The morphological response of the ebb-tidal delta is characterized by several different processes: (1) an overall decrease in sediment volume and morphological activity, (2) downdrift reorientation of channels and shoals, (3) a redistribution of sediment between channels and shoals, and (4) a lack of sediment exchange with the basin. Simulations with a process-based model show that the reorientation is a result of changed balance between cross-shore and alongshore tidal currents. The sediment volume decrease is a result of decreased tidal currents in combination with wind waves and a lack of sediment supply.
