The Service Innovation Labs‘ Incubator Service

Co-Creating with corporations to enhance innovation using lean startup design

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Corporates today face the challenge that their innovation efforts are ineffective and inefficient. Many anticipated ideas and opportunities get suffocated and lost in the dragging long processes within corporates. Bureaucracy, micropolitical dynamics and hierarchy add even obstacles to the process that make it close to impossible to realize ideas. Providing effective innovation efforts is what SI Labs exceeds in and for this reason consults corporations. This makes the graduation assignment of creating an incubator service as a to-be company that can help to bypass this inter-corporational obstacles for successful innovation efforts. The purpose of the company-to-be which is called “Dandelion Incubator Services” is to improve innovation efforts by functioning as an incubator for corporations instead of startups and also elicit cultural change within corporations to level off and clear the path for change management. In a six month timeframe the graduate student interviewed experts from both the corporate and entrepreneurial and design thinking environment to analyze the situation together with current literature. In frequent exchange and feedback of SI Labs the insights were translated into requirements that formed the framework for the companyto- be. At the heart of this service is the hypothesis that lean startup and design thinking are complementary and form together a synergy which is called lean startup design. Dandelion Incubator Services is a pleasant and colourful co-creative space for the corporate client’s employees and lean startup and design thinking advocates. The main driver for the incubator service is the fact that in corporations new innovative ideas never make it to launch and get lost in the long dragging processes, bureaucracy and micropolitics within the organization. The report recommends the realization of the incubator service by SI Labs but with being an independent and autonomous entity and develop Dandelion Incubator Services as an endorsed brand of SI Labs to use the powerful and positive brand image of SI Labs.


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