Design of a smart, household, audio mixing console

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IMO - Millennium is a smart, modular au- dio mixing system. It is designed to cater to the music routing needs of a modern household. High fidelity, uncompromising, analogue audio pathways mixed with digital controls. Aesthetics that compliment music equipment of any era, and materials that
will last for ever. Starting off with two audio inputs and one output, it can also expand, with the installation of additional audio mod- ules, in order to accommodate more audio sources. Moreover, with extension plug-ins, it can support music protocols other than a raw audio signal, in order to keep up with new technologies. Those form fitted blocks can introduce Bluetooth, AirPlay, Optical, or even Phono Pre-amplification functional- ities and so on. Wi-Fi connectivity enables remote control of the console’s motorised volume knobs, through a mobile application. IR receivers and transmitters, hidden out of sight, can identify pattern signals of tradi- tional remote controls and replicate them, gaining this way control of other devices in the room. Each audio channel is also equipped with a customisable button and its function can be programmed to the users liking.
Sustainable design, with minimised environ- mental impact and great repairability. IMO is using a short bill of materials, most of which are either already recycled or great for recycling at end of life. Reversible fasteners are dominating the structure, without the use of any destructive adhesives. The sim- ple assembly of the housing and the elec- tronics, make repairs easy and essentially fool-proof. A single HEX key (Allen key), is needed to fully dismantle the entire product. Common, off-the-shelf electronics, that are easy to understand and identify, are used for the internal circuits. Internal circuitry communications are handled by connectors widely available to the public, making re- pairs even more manageable.