Kinetic model for self-crack-healing in ceramics and possibility of turbine blade applications

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Self-crack-healing behaviors in alumina/ silicon carbide (SiC) nanocomposites (agent diameter of 270 nm) having the semi-eliptical surface crack were investigated at various healing temperatures TH and oxygen partial pressures pO2 in standard pressure. The results showed the complete strength recovery was attained by heating at test temperature ranging between 1000oC to 1550oC in pO2 above active to passive transition pO2T. Furthermore, the minimum crack-healing time for complete strength recovery tH Min increased as decreasing pO2 within the pO2 ranging above pO2T. Based on the obtained results, the kinetics model for complete strength recovery by self-healing was proposed. Using the model, the tH Min in various pO2 for alumina/ SiC nanocomposites (argent diameter of 20 nm) were estimated. From the estimation, the possibilities of the self-crack-healing of two types of alumina/SiC composites in combustion gas atmosphere of aircraft engine and of turbine blade applications will be discussed.


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