Flight simulator investigation on the approach path parameters for MLS curved approaches

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The present flight simulator study has been addressed to the evaluation of the approach path parameters for curved approach paths. A number of seven oblique approach paths has been investigated, varying in both straight final length and oblique angle. The investigation was carried out for various operating minima (decision height, runway visual range and visibility), while also the effects of wind, turbulence and cloud base have been considered. The approaches were carried out as precision approaches, during which use was made of MLS guidance, derived from simulated MLS ground facilities. The simulated conditions included Cat.I and II visibility conditions, while wind shear gradients up to 10 kt/100 ft were considered. Most of the approaches were carried out manually (flight director guidance), although also autopilot approaches were included in the test program. A total number of approximately 350 MLS test runs were flown. The test results consisted of both objective and subjective data. The objective data concerned statistical data of path deviation, aircraft state and control deflections. The subjective data were derived from: pilot effort ratings, questionnaire responses and pilot comments.


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