The control system of a digital version of the table soccer game

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The graduation company “ACE ingenieurs - & adviesbureau” have seen opportunities in developing a digital version of the table soccer game. The graduation project was the first part of this development process, in which the desired playing actions were defined and in which the control system was made technically feasible. Table soccer is played all over the world daily; the game is quite popular and timeless. Table soccer is an intuitive game and suitable for almost everybody. There are several user groups (e.g. children, youngsters and professionals) who play on different levels and in different contexts. Youngsters are enthusiastic, fanatic and skilful in playing table soccer. Furthermore, youngsters are the largest user group and the easiest group to reach; they visit many public places (e.g. schools, community centres, sport canteens) and they are growing up with digital products and games. Besides playing games, most youngsters like to socialize with their friends. For these reasons, youngsters were chosen as the target group. The purpose of the assignment was to maintain the characteristics of playing traditional table soccer and to implement new features which were desired by the youngsters. The characteristics of table soccer that had to be maintained were; social play, fun, active play, intuitive controlling and suitable for a wide public (but especially for the youngsters). The desired playing actions for the digital game were defined with the help of user observations and focus groups. It was concluded that the new game would have the same basics as the traditional game. The match will be shown from top view and the players are in line with the eight controllers. Furthermore, rotating the rod will turn the players around their axis and sliding the rod will slide the players in longitudinal direction. During the design and engineering phase different solutions were created, assessed and elaborated. The final product contains the design of the control system which included a motion sensor for detecting sliding and rotation of the rod. There is a blocking system to simulate clamping of the ball. Moreover, a motor system provides sensual feedback when the ball touches the players’ feet. All these parts are combined in a specific composition so that the electronic components and the mechanical system fit in the device. An evaluation research is done with the user group and the help of a working model. Most interesting outcomes were: The product is really loved and desired by the youngsters. The designed working principle of the control system works well, but there were a few points for improvement. Paying attention to the programming of the software of the prototype is important for further development of the product. The next phase of the development process will be enhancing the electronic parts and developing the whole device, including the housing and construction of the product. At the same time the software has to be developed. Further research, with the target group has to be conducted to learn what games and aesthetics the youngsters prefer.


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