Feasibility study on fibre reinforced polymer slides in the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier

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In this thesis a feasibility study is performed for the design of fibre reinforeed polymer (FRP-) slides to replace the steel slides in the Eastern Scheldt storm surge harrier. The advantage of using FRP-slides is the far better corrosion resistance then in case of using steel. For the design different variants of FRP-slides have been investigated from which the box-girder variant was the most promising. The variant, where the deflections are critical, the use of carbon fibres in the FRP and pre-cambering of the slide is necessary. The variant where the deflections are not the limiting factor, cheaper glass fibres can be used in the FRP, but this option needs extra adjustments on the concrete structure. This last option is worked out in more detail, because this option offers some long term advantages. Also a life cycle analysis (LCA) is carried out to compare the investment costs of an FRP-slide with the maintenance costs of the current barrier. This LCA shows that the life cycle costs of an FRP slide are much lower over 100 years then for a steel slide. The payback time of an FRP-slide is between 40 and 50 years.