Simulation of equinus gait and effects of ankle stiffness compensation with a neuromusculoskeletal model

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Introduction: Pes equinus with increased ankle joint stiffness is a common impairment in stroke and Cerebral Palsy (CP) patients with structural and/or neural deficits of the ankle muscles. Equinus gait is characterized by toe-strike, abnormal ankle plantarflexion and decreased ankle range of motion (ROM). A new ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) with negative stiffness was previously developed to compensate for the increased ankle joint stiffness and improve equinus gait, reducing plantarflexion and increasing ankle ROM. The goal of this project was to predict the effects of ankle stiffness compensation on equinus gait simulations.

Methods: Forward simulations of unimpaired and equinus gait were generated in
the sagittal plane with a musculoskeletal model implemented in OpenSim and a
neural controller implemented in SCONE. After validation of the unimpaired gait
simulation, a sensitivity analysis on ankle kinematics was performed, introducing
structural and/or neural alterations of the ankle muscles to achieve an equinus gait. Consecutively, equinus gait simulations were validated with previously collected data of CP patients. Finally, an AFO model was developed in OpenSim to simulate AFO-assisted gait.

Results: The unimpaired gait simulation yielded realistic results, and was robust to all alterations, generating stable gaits. Shorter Gastrocnemius fiber length and/or increased plantarflexor muscles activations, with Tibialis Anterior weakness, had the largest effect on the ankle joint kinematics and resulted in realistic CP equinus gaits. Simulations of AFO-assisted gait resulted in reduced abnormal plantarflexion, and increased ankle ROM in the condition with shorter Gastrocnemius.

Discussion and Conclusion: This study presented realistic simulations of equinus
gait, by modelling structural and/or neural alterations of the ankle muscles and
predicted improved ankle function when compensating ankle stiffness with an external force. Although higher stiffness compensation and more simulations should be obtained, this study provides a solid ground for further investigation of the AFO effects. These results can ultimately assist in the prescription and tuning of the new AFO for patients with equinus.
