The experience of public space in The Hague South East

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This booklet studies the possibilities of the design of public spaces, in the light of two influential theories by Kevin Lynch and Gordon Cullen, published in the beginning of the 1960’s. They focus on the design of the public space in relation to the experience of the city users. Yet again and again these theories are referred to, even in present time, 50 years later. A literature studies first explores their theoretical relevance. It addresses both its reasons, its social implication and its intended effect, based on environmental psychology. Afterwards the practical relevance of these theories are examined. This is done in The Hague South East where currently good pedestrian and cyclist connections are lacking. Therefore the graduation project proposes the addition of 4 new routes as an urban design component and a landmark, forming the architectoral component. Together these interventions improve the legibility and attractiveness of the area.