Mobility-as-a-Service from a health perspective

Exploratory research into the potential health impacts of MaaS

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Due to current, ongoing mega trends such as continuing urbanisation and expanding population size, pressure on our urban transport system is increasing, resulting in more congestion, emissions, noise pollution and stress, among others. Transport is seen as one of a range of factors outside of health and medical fields which are known to impact health. This research explored the possibilities for health impacts in the urban environment of the concept Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). The service holds the promise to bring some relief to urban mobility issues and at the same time has potential to impact a variety of sectors beyond transport, of which health is one. This study adopted an exploratory and qualitative research approach using mixed methods. A conceptual framework was constructed and health assessment performed to show MaaS has potential to contribute to positive health outcomes in urban environments. MaaS services can be used as an entry point for different stakeholders to deliver health improvements at the individual and societal scales. It will require, however, further attention and investment in the design of the service from the diversity of stakeholders influencing mobility and health processes. Government will likely need to play an active role in service design to achieve positive health impacts. There is a clear risk that poorly conceived MaaS designs will produce negative outcomes in important parts of the urban system, for example in terms of congestion, emissions, stress, social inequity and accessibility. Any negative impacts on the urban system have health implications.