The Connected Automotive Future: An innovation strategy for LeasePlan

How the connected vehicle enables acceleration in the zero emission fleet transition

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This thesis proposes an innovation strategy to leverage the potential of connected vehicles for the fleet of LeasePlan, the global leader in automobile leasing and fleet management. This strategy has been developed through an extensive analysis of the internal environment, customer trends, industry developments, and emerging technologies in combination with Design Thinking and Roadmapping activities. It provides a set of solutions where the connected vehicle is believed to create the biggest impact for LeasePlan’s business, it’s market position and in meeting its ambition to shift towards a zero emission fleet by 2030. The automotive industry is at the beginning of a transition in response to the Paris Agreement and with ever greater demands in society for cleaner mobility. At the same time, the Internet of Things is one of the leading trends that is expected to rapidly transform the automotive industry, by introducing the connected vehicle. With LeasePlan’s total fleet of 1.8 million vehicles and soon a comparable amount of private charge points, LeasePlan has a significant influence on the development of sustainable transport systems. LeasePlan sees the growing request from its clients for expertise and guidance within fleet electrification. Clients try to find solutions to meet the rapidly increasing demand for charge infrastructure and to reach cost and footprint optimisation, while drivers deal with the inconveniences around electric driving. This study has identified how LeasePlan can use the connected vehicle to provide clients support in the zero emission transition and to deliver a desirable electric vehicle driver experience. The resulting strategy consists of the following four main elements, recommending LeasePlan to: 1) Provide Parking Support and Priority Load Balancing in the near term to increase efficient chargepoint occupation, to enhance efficient usage of charge capacity and to accommodate tailored advice on infrastructure expansion based on the real fleet behaviour. With Parking Support, drivers will be supported in their charge and park plan to enable fair chargepoint sharing. With Priority Load Balancing, smart capacity division increases charge flexibility for the fleet. This all results in minimum infrastructure investment for clients. 2) Introduce ‘Smart Charging’ in the second term for further reduction of the carbon footprint and energy costs for both clients and drivers by: automatically altered charging sessions and guidance for the driver to charge during the moments when the most green electricity is available and when the energy prices are low. 3) Develop a car-sharing system for a Connected & Electric Shared Pool, in the third term to realise optimal fleet efficiency, to create cost optimisation and to contribute to livable and cleaner urban areas. 4) Utilise the lease fleet to store renewable energy in the longer term. This realises energy self-sufficient offices and this brings profit for the customer when he plays with the fluctuations in energy prices during energy storage, while he contributes to the broader zero emission transition of its neighbourhood, region or even country. The strategy is presented in the format of a roadmap and the short term solutions are further conceptualized. The next steps for LeasePlan within each element are: further identify the market potential and monetary value, establish a profitable revenue model, build the partnerships and start the test and pilot phase to improve the design interaction. With this innovation strategy, LeasePlan becomes the reliable zero emission fleet accelerator, who takes the responsibility to contribute to a healthier environment and cleaner cities, while occupying a unique market position with its own expertise in fleet electrification, with the focus on its clients’ fleets and with the connected vehicle as its asset.