Solid-state backscattered-electron detector for sub-keV imaging in scanning electron microscopy

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The low-energy electron detectors presented in this work have near theoretical electron signal gain at low energies measured down to 200 eV and high-speed response due to the following technological steps: (i) chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of boron layers (PureB layers) proven to form an ideal nm-deep p+n junction with the outstanding sensitivity to low-energy electrons [1], and (ii) defect-free, ultra-low doped, 40 ?m thick n-- epitaxial layer which facilitates capacitance values as low as 3 pF/mm2. The fabricated detectors have been placed in SEMs and the resulting high-resolution images, robustness to the electron irradiation, and high scanning speeds make them promising candidates for the future solid-state backscatteredelectron (BSE) detectors.
