Database Design and Development of 3D Cadastral Registration based on LADM

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In this paper, the database design and development of a prototype 3D cadastral registration will be presented. The key aspects of this prototype are the model is based on Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). The LADM provides a conceptual description for land administration system, including a 3D cadastral registration. LADM defines 3D parcel as a spatial unit against which (one or more) unique and homogeneous rights (e.g. ownership right or land use right), responsibilities or restrictions are associated to the whole entity based on ISO 19152. Spatial units have two specializations: legal spaces buildings and legal spaces networks. Here, we only focus on the 3D space of spatial unit based on strata objects representation. Other spatial units are out of the scope. In case of strata objects representation, it has parcel, accessory unit, common property, limited common property and land parcel. The prototype development begins with the data modelling based on LADM (i.e. selecting relevant model classes and extending the model with attributes and classes where needed). The LADM supports various options for representing spatial units; e.g. a 2D parcel or a 3D volume. 2D parcel is recognized, however, how to create and maintain 3D valid parcels is still a challenge in practice. There have been several research and development activities in the past on the LADM. However, these investigations mainly remain at the conceptual level and yet to be implemented in the real context. Therefore, the motivation of this paper is to discuss the practical pathway towards realising an LADM-based 3D cadastral registration in alignment with jurisdictional settings in Malaysia. This paper extends the model in LADM to create a prototype and confirm its feasibility in implementation. It focuses on data migration from existing database (i.e. .xml format) to open source database (i.e. Postgres) based on LADM standard. The visualization and application for the implementation are using open source platform (i.e. QGIS). This research not only important for Malaysia, but also useful for many other countries, that also have the strata title system. Further investigation is on the full potential of LADM for the Malaysia Information Infrastructure (i.e. SDI) development.