Exploring innovation in a professional services firm

Design dialogues for better innovation

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Deloitte Innovation is the innovation entity of Deloitte NL, they aim to improve the innovation capability of the company. One of their main activities is managing the incubator in which employees are able to develop new professional services for Deloitte. This project focusses on improving and increasing the input of this development process. A new program is designed called “Design Dialogues”, it bridges the gap between the individual and the organizational level of innovation. Design Dialogues aim to both “design think” focused on creating better innovation and “design act” focused on creating a shared understanding amongst the actors involved. An intensive literature review showed that innovation in a corporate environment can be approached as a collective achievement of pushing and riding ideas intro good currency. A thorough research within Deloitte showed that the key to a successful innovation is that of creating individual ownership and co-ownership amongst the stakeholders involved. Design Dialogues aim to improve the front end of the innovation process by creating better ideas through social collaboration.


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